…Versed in the music of North Africa, with her Western classical music and jazzy leanings hanging about on the periphery, Mosenzon is showing the Andalusian world that she is the genuine article.
Barry Davis, the Jerusalem Post 

Original and traditional North African music, with a classical-Jazzy twist. Three skilled musicians create an intimate acoustic experience: Maghreb rhythms make way to wishful melodies and erupt in an instrumental dance party. 

Alongside Darya on the piano, international groove sensation Hillel Amsallem plays percussion instruments and grammy-nominated multi-instrumentalist Charlie Sabach erupts in soulful Oud melodies and will occasionally lapse into a song in Moroccan or Algerian dialect. The result is a performance that moves between intimate heartfelt melodies and erupting rhythms, dubbed by Haaretz as “a blend of meticulous restraint and exhilarating passion.”

The past year has seen the release of Darya’s debut trio album, as well as tours in Morocco and Europe with her solo and trio projects. Read more about Darya here.

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